The one who thinks that tales are only for children is greatly mistaken.
In the past, tales were told to the villagers on the evenings of vigil, by the fire. They recalled the traditions, the local beliefs, and thus brought them to last in time. Tales can also be philosophical and thus lead to a reflection on human nature. Children could listen to them secretly. It will only be much later, through the Brothers Grimm, that certain types of tales will be more adapted to them.
It is the story of a hero who goes on a quest for a better life. He will travel a road strewn with pitfalls, but will always find the long-awaited reward at the end. This is how a tale is rich in symbols, and everyone can find a part of themselves, of what they experience.
It is also important that the tale is not watered down to be beneficial, because the anxieties that it triggers are the same ones that will lead to well-being. The tale is addressed to the part more archaic of the psyche. It treats the different fears that reside in everyone with his own mode of expression.
It transposes them into a reassuring framework to then lead the listener to master them, then to transform them via the pleasure that the story provides. A story which itself is structured as much in its rhythm as in the catchy quality of its twists and turns. It thus reverses the affective registers and brings satisfaction where in normal times we would feel rejection.